Friday, August 8, 2008
The 2008 Summer Olympics Begins!!!
One World One Dream.
The 2008 Summer Olympics have started with a lavish opening ceremony in Beijing. It brings goosebumps to view such a remarkable moment in history. There are 80 world leaders situated in Beijing and approx. 500,000 guests. Another thing that makes this day so memorable is the Chinese counting on the lucky number 8.
Eight is an extremely lucky number in China. It’s pronounced as bah and it links to prosperity. The Olympic Games began at 8:08:08 p.m. on 8/8/08. That brings shivers down my spine. It’s incredible how fortunate Beijing was to schedule the Olympics on this day at that time. Some have lost faith in the number 8 because 88 days before the Games began there was an earthquake killing nearly 70,000
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