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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Michael Phelps breaks records!

For those of you who were to drunk or busy or have been living under a cave…
Here’s an update Michael Phelps in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Before we begin, let’s examine that exquisite body. Look at the way he’s able to move like a beast in the water…can he move like that in bed? I would love to know and so would other Phelp fans.
He’s got three finals, three gold medals, three world records. In the 200-meter freestyle on Tuesday at the Water Cube, Phelps killed the field and even his year-old world record.
His time: 1:43. Holy shit. Second place, Park Tae-hwan of South Korea had 1:44. Damn it must have sucked to have lost by a second. Third place was Peter Vanderkaay who came in at 1:45. Michael Phelps now has a total of three golds and seven medals over-all.
Three down. Five more to kill,Phelps. Can he do it?

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